5 Risks of Breaking the Rules

5 Risks of Breaking the Rules

You’ve probably been punished for breaking a rule in the past. It may have been a rule your parents made to keep you safe and you learned a lesson from breaking it. There are, obviously, risks to every rule you choose to break and you may be the type who loves to...
5 Tips to Quickly Remind Yourself of Your Worth

5 Tips to Quickly Remind Yourself of Your Worth

Are you not having a good day? We can all struggle sometimes. All it takes is a little unrequested criticism or someone just treating us badly to trigger us into a spiral of negative self-talk about not being liked.  When you need to remind yourself of your worth very...

Behaviour Vs Outcome Based Goal-setting

Many of us understand that goal-oriented people are more successful, happier, and more productive. But setting and keeping goals is a skill and, like any skill, there’s a right way to do it. One thing you might find helpful is separating your goals into behavior-based...

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