When I write posts for this website and other social media, it tends to be that something came into my head – a title or a subject based on something that I heard or saw.

There is a reason. Then I come up with the message – the reason that, out of all the things that come to me, why I chose this specific subject.

Another reason for writing these posts is to get it out of my head. Whilst I’m not an overly positive or optimistic person, my default mindset is optimistic. A pragmatic optimistic you will.

This means that I’m optimistic about the future and pragmatic about what I will do to get there.

There are so many outlets that challenge that philosophy, from the news media to people who may have a different view of the world that can feed into your psyche.

So, I choose an optimistic mindset, which means that I wake every morning and I decide that today is going to be a great day. Everyone will have some level of suffering in their life. Choosing to be optimistic will make it easier to bounce- back from the bad times and come up with solutions to problems or setbacks faster.  

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