Enjoying the journey

Enjoying the journey

I’m just finishing out a busy couple of days that will, almost certainly, be the start of a momentous and memorable June for me and Improving Performance personal coaching. As I reflect on what has been and what is to come, I find that I am enjoying the journey...
Epiphany moment

Epiphany moment

When I’ve spent my life trying so hard to fit in, in so many different ways, then realise that I was born to stand out! #changeishere

Preparation in sales careers

I am involved in an FB group that promotes visibility for individuals in their personal or business lives. The theme today was ‘Tuesday’s tips’. I got involved and talked about ‘Preparation’. Telecoms Sales is my background and it is...

Why you do what you do – A Sense of Purpose

One of the basic needs that we have as people is the sense of purpose. It is the reason that you do whatever you do and is a vital component to achieving a fulfilling life. Having a strong sense of purpose has a very positive impact on your sense of well being. When...

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