I’m a pretty organised person. I have needed to be to have enjoyed my own successes. Now that I am multitasking every day, I have found that could be a challenge if I am not on top of things.

What I’ve found useful is my journal. I’ve been using one for a few weeks now and without it, I doubt I’d have gotten some key things done. In it I write goals for the day, any learning and my ‘what’s next’. I do this every day and finish with what I’m grateful for today. This means I go to bed with a positive head on.

My CEO introduced me to it as he uses one. There’s never a gap in his hectic day but he always manages to ‘put first things first’, so I’ve employed the use of the same one from the Best Co. There are loads of different ones to choose from, so have a look around if you’re interestedly in maximising your day.

Have a look around. You might amaze yourself.

Happy tomorrow all.

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