Now Is The Time

A question was asked to the wider audience on my personal Facebook page a couple of weeks ago – “What will the New Normal look like to you”?

The response was very much about having to make and move through ‘Change’. The term ‘Pivot’ has been used a lot on-line to describe this transition.

Improving Performance’s Change Program was to adopt the term. On reflection, that the term better lends itself to business and business owners.

To ‘Revolve’ means to move around a central point. Your life is the central point, not the business and not the job.

The world is fast changing and we need to Improvise, Adapt and be fleet of foot and decisive in order to thrive in it. Change is, as always, constant.

As a result there will be daily topics on the subject from us at Improving Performance pc to help the Generation-X FB Group and others who may be interested, to move as seamlessly as possible through the inevitable changes to work and home life.

This first blog in the program identifies 14 hints that you are ready to Revolve.

Click here to download ‘Now Is The Time. – 14 hints that you’re ready to Revolve To evolve.

Contact us to book your complementary 15 minute discovery call to see how we can help you to achieve your goals during this situation.

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