To Free or Not To Free, That Is The Question.

One of the things that tend to happen when you run a business or have something of value to offer is that a lot of people will try to get it from you for free. Have you had that happen? You might make widgets and as soon as some people find out, they want you to give them a widget for free, and act offended when you say no. Not only that, some even want you to install it and maintain it! For free!

Every day, I will be asked a question for help and I will answer it. My job depends on it. That’s the way that I serve. You never know. Some will come back as they saw the value of the engagement.

This brings me to the point in case. It got me thinking. If you deliver value, how do you decide what is free, what is an investment and what is taking the pee, so to speak?

I’ve found that consulting with people for free, (or as I translate it “I absorb the cost”) creates positive energy with the person that I am speaking to. This is in the knowledge that they will tell someone else what happened and that is how referrals work. For instance, I aim to deliver this during networking events too, where you have a willing crowd of people who are more than happy to help you, and vice versa.

When people don’t understand what you do, which is a challenge when you are a performance coach, it helps to provide something that they haven’t tried, for free. I’ve recently completed  5 free bi-weekly group coaching sessions for those that are unsure, may not have the resources or want a taster. I thoroughly enjoyed those.

Providing a freebie can often work as a magnet if you have identified a pain point. That then sticks in the person’s mind and as they get closer and closer to wanting to seek resolution, they will have you in mind to provide it.

It also helps to provide a freebie when you are working to develop a product or service as the customer or client tends to be a little more forgiving because it was free. Because you’ve been able to work out the areas to develop in the service, you can confidently move on to charging or removing the free promotion.

Finally, by offering an entry situation that is free, people are more likely to give your business a try. The freebie doesn’t have to cost you either. It can be information associated with your business where the client would otherwise have to buy that info, like a ‘how to’.

Anyway. Those are my musings on a very sunny Sunday afternoon in the sunshine.

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